Petition Against the SA Voice to Parliament

We, the undersigned residents of South Australia, say no to the creation of an Indigenous Voice to the SA Parliament.

We oppose the Voice because it contravenes the democratic principle of an equal say for all citizens in the Parliament. The Voice gives some South Australians a second vote for advocates who can address Parliament, while other electors do not have that opportunity. This denies voters the principle of one vote, one value, which is the foundation of an egalitarian democracy.

The Voice to the SA Parliament preferences one group of people over another on the basis of race. Not only will members of the Voice be able to directly address Parliament, but the proposal also sees them addressing department CEOs and other key officials directly. This means indigenous people will have direct access to some of the most powerful people in SA, purely by virtue of racial background. This kind of discrimination is wrong and it is immoral.

It is institutionalized racism and we will not stand for it. The only impact it can possibly have is to ignite racial tension, which will have disastrous consequences for SA. We reject this backward step and we are united in supporting a truly fair political process for all South Australians.

The Voice also fails to address the deep-seated issues facing indigenous people in South Australia. While it provides 12 individuals with well-paid taxpayer funded jobs, it does not directly address crime, educational deficiencies, domestic violence and a host of other issues disproportionately represented in majority-Aboriginal communities.

We believe that this funding should instead be directed to areas of the greatest need where real solutions are overseen, wherever possible, in partnership with the elders of that community.

As a result of the serious issues and outright racial discrimination inherent in the Voice proposal, we ask that you withdraw this proposal and instead focus on uniting this state and working with affected communities to create real, structural change.