23 Aug

ALP Defence Minister Richard Marles and Chief of Defence, Angus Campbell are collaborating to reintroduce woke posturing into the ADF according to a recent article in The Guardian.

The changes, which include a return to "Wear it Purple Day" overturn a justified ban on leftist madness instituted by then Defence Minister Peter Dutton in May 2021.

The DLP believes that the role of the military is to protect Australia from foreign invasions and dangerous woke virtue-signalling does nothing to "improve capability" or morale among our troops. Instead this leftist nonsense divides our forces along political lines and wastes valuable training time and taxpayer money, eroding our defence preparedness and capabilites.

Marles himself admitted a fortnight ago that Australia is up against the biggest military buildup since WWII and he is right. Why then is he hellbent on destroying the capability of the Australian military and putting us at further risk for the sake of some perverted political expediency.

We are calling for an immediate reinstatement of the ban on political posturing and that the ADF return to its core mission of defending our country.

We will not stand for this time-wasting insanity in our military.

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